May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month

Health Minister Victor Boudreau; Annie Boucher LeBlanc, a cancer survivor and volunteer at Bladder Cancer Canada; and Premier Brian Gallant.
May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.
“Bladder cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Canada,” said Health Minister Victor Boudreau. “This month, I encourage New Brunswickers to learn more about the disease and to focus on living a healthy lifestyle to reduce their chance of being diagnosed with any cancer.”
Bladder Cancer Canada is organizing an awareness campaign in May, and is calling on Canadians touched by the disease to share on social media how they have been helped by the organization, using the hashtag #YellowHelps.
“Those interested in learning more about bladder cancer are encouraged to check out the Bladder Cancer Canada Awareness – Moncton Facebook page, established to draw attention to the awareness walk in September and to provide information to patients year-round,” said Tammy Northam, executive director of Bladder Cancer Canada.
Almost 9,000 Canadians are diagnosed with this cancer annually. About 250 New Brunswickers were diagnosed with it in 2015.
The most common symptom is blood in the urine, occurring in more than 80 per cent of bladder cancer cases. Other symptoms may include bladder spasms and increased frequency and urgency of urination.
Smoking, age and occupational exposure to specific chemicals are common risk factors of the disease.
Bladder Cancer Canada is a nationally registered charity that helps bladder cancer patients with the disease, increases awareness among the general public and medical community, and funds research toward the diagnosis, treatment and elimination of bladder cancer.
People may join the dialogue on social media by following @BladderCancerCA and using the hashtags #YellowHelps and #BladderCancer.
Additional information is available online from Bladder Cancer Canada and the Canadian Cancer Society.