City Seeks Volunteers for Central Peninsula Neighbourhood Action Team

The City is launching a neighbourhood planning process for the Central Peninsula, which includes the Uptown, Waterfront, South End, and Waterloo Village. The neighbourhood plan will bring PlanSJ, the City’s Municipal Plan, to life. The neighbourhood plan will help drive smart and sustainable growth in Saint John’s core urban neighbourhoods.

The City of Saint John is seeking applications from City residents who wish to serve on a 9-member Neighbourhood Action Committee for the new Neighbourhood Plan.

The role of the Neighbourhood Action Team is to advise Common Council on the Plan and to act as ambassadors within the community to actively promote citizen involvement in the planning process.  Committee members will meet regularly throughout the process.

The City encourages volunteers representing a wide cross section of the Saint John community.  In particular, the City will be looking for membership from the identified neighbourhoods but also those individuals who have knowledge and interest in improving the central peninsula. Members of the Committee will represent a variety of social, business, cultural, and environmental interests to help create a holistic plan.

Anyone interested in serving on the Neighbourhood Action Team is asked to submit an application on-line at the City’s website at or through the Office of Growth and Community Development Services. The deadline for applications is February 10, 2017. For more information please call Growth and Community Development Services at (506) 658-2911 or check the City’s website.

For more information on the Central Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan, please click here.

Growth and Community Development Services, 10th Floor City Hall
City of Saint John
PO Box 1971
Saint John, NB  E2L 4L1
Phone: (506) 658-2911