Miramichi Fishing Report for Week of October 27, 2016
By this time next week another angling season will officially be completed for another year. Salmon angling on the Bartibog, Burnt Church and Tabusintac Rivers closes at the end of Saturday, October 29, and striped bass closes at the end of Monday October 31.
Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported there were good numbers of striped bass in al sizes currently in the Miramichi River. Most anglers were using circle hooks with bait, but others were still catching with lures/rubber fish and flies, including barbless streamers.
Mackerel bait is very scarce, so some have been using other fish such as smelts if still stored in freezers and other fish. Some have even resorted to using liver.
The only down part lately has been the weather which has been windy, cold and rainy.
On the salmon front, check below for the various counts. Generally, the grilse numbers were down compared to last year.
Some ardent anglers will make their way to some of the gravel bars along the river to check in on the salmon as they spawn. So bundle up, take along some rain gear and get out for a last few days “on the water”. It will be a long winter.
Next week: Storing your gear for the winter.
Cumulative Counts
Don’t forget to show your support for our sponsors, because without them, this column would not be possible.
Doug Underhill
438 McKinnon Road
Miramichi, NB, Canada, E1V 6G2
A SPECIAL THANKS to all who made contributions last season.
Thought for the Week: “Angling may be said to be so much like mathematics that it can never be fully learned” Izaak Walton
Hi Doug: Just thought. I would let you know we had our best season in 17 years. A lot of big salmon but not many grilse. But good for the fishermen.
Thanks again from all of us at Country Haven Miramichi
601 Rte 118
Gray Rapids,N.B.
E9B 1G9
Tollfree: 1-877-flyhook(359-4665)
Email: flyhook@nbnet.nb.ca
Tel/Fax: 1-506-843 9010
The Connecticut River Salmon Association
President’s Update
Connecticut Atlantic Salmon Legacy Program – Update – Shetucket River Stocked! Due to the drought and low water conditions in the Naugatuck and Shetucket Rivers, the first stocking in early October of Connecticut Broodstock Atlantic Salmon was once again shifted to lakes this year. However, the State DEEP found the conditions in the Shetucket…
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Sign up for the 2016 Salmon-in-Schools Orientation
Teachers, CRSA Liaisons and interested supporters, sign up here for our 2016 Salmon-in-Schools Orientation. Check our events calendar for details on where and when. Highlights include: D.E.E.P. update on the state of Atlantic salmon in CT How a veteran teacher manages multiple tanks How to align the project to the new science standards Essential tank…
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Farmington River Closed to Fishing
As of Friday, 8/18/2016, portions of the West Branch Farmington River and Farmington River are closed to fishing. This was done to protect heat stressed fish including trout that have congregated at the mouths of a number of tributary streams where cooler water is entering the West Branch Farmington River and Farmington River. Fishing for…
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River Runs postings to end next week
Hi all, Next week will be our last report for the season. Volunteers, please make sure your data are turned in. Small fishway operators in Connecticut, you can probably shut down if you haven’t already. If in doubt, please contact us. Anyone who wishes any last comment, question, or contributed photo or observation, please forward…
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On-Line Bidding Now Open for the ASF New York Auction
If you are unable to attend the event in honour of Marshall Field, you can still support the good work of ASF through this on-line auction. In addition to some wonderful trips, gear and luxury items we have available this one of a kind, hand crafted Stuart Spector Bass Guitar!
Click to view the full auction catalog
Click here for more details on the event and for reservations
Event is planned for November 9th, 2016 at the Plaza, New York City
Anyone wishing to report suspicious fishing activity anonymously is asked to contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
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Until next week