Saint John Police Force Tee Off For Mental Health, Sponsorships Sought
This fall, the Saint John Police Force will be hosting its first annual golf tournament at the Rockwood Golf Course. On September 30, 2016 members of the community will have the opportunity to take part in a fundraising effort to support the Canadian Mental Health Association of New Brunswick Saint John Office and SJPF Wellness Committee. Mental health has become a part of so many people’s lives and first responders are no exception.
The Saint John police golf tournament will see teams from a cross section of the greater Saint John area. Golf tournaments have been a premier fundraising event in many communities across Canada. Given the need for the Canadian Mental Health Association of New Brunswick our committee has put together an outstanding event for you.
This tournament will attract 36 teams made up of companies, emergency services personnel and individuals from the Atlantic Provinces. This is your opportunity to get involved and become a sponsor. Why? This is an opportunity to be recognized in partnership with the Saint John Police Force in assisting our community’s greatest need — Mental Health! Sponsorship will give your company its name on our website, company profiles sent to all golf registrants, an opportunity for your brand to be recognized throughout the golf course. In addition to event day recognition we will also have TV, radio and print publication ads.
We want your company to be part of our event. Please take this opportunity to review our sponsorship packages and become involved with our partnership with the CMHA of NB. The CMHA of NB also have programs such as Changing Minds, Living Life to the Full, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills training (ASIST), Kids Have Stress Too and Safe Talk. You will be contributing to an organization that cares about our people first.
Get involved and lets all make a difference in our community. For more information visit the website at