Saint John Native Named Executive Director of ArtsLink NB

Gillian Dykeman

The Board of Directors of ArtsLink NB is very pleased to announce the appointment of Gillian Dykeman as Executive Director of the organization.

A Saint John native, Gillian is an arts administrator and practicing interdisciplinary artist. She recently completed graduate research at the University of Toronto, obtaining a Masters in Visual Culture, and has a BFA from NSCAD University. Dykeman’s professional experience includes extensive work in artist-run culture and the non-profit sector, art criticism, radio production, grant writing, as well as community development and engagement through the arts. Her work has been exhibited nationally and abroad, and she has participated in artist residencies across Canada. A life-long New Brunswicker, Gillian carries a deep commitment to both the province and its art communities.

“Gillian and her husband Jared, who is also an artist, will bring much to the arts and culture community, and we look forward to her leadership at ArtsLink NB,” said the organization’s President, Kathy Hamer. “As we prepare to welcome a new Executive Director, I would like to acknowledge the exceptional contribution of Julie Whitenect, who has ensured our ongoing operations, grant applications, and plans for programming, since mid-December. She has provided truly outstanding service to the organization and our members.”

Gillian will take up her position on April 27th after which you can reach her at:

Saint John – Bread 'n Molasses