Public Auction of Sidewalk Vendor Sites
In conjunction with amendments to the established sidewalk by-law, a public auction of sidewalk vendor sites will be held in the 10th floor boardroom, City Hall, on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 2:30 pm.
Registration for interested bidders will commence in the boardroom one-half hour prior to the commencement of the auction.
Terms and conditions of the auction and site locations are available from the Building Inspection Department, 10th floor, City Hall or by calling 658-2911.
This is a public auction and interested bidders are required to attend in person. Payment will be in the form of cash, personal cheque, Visa, Mastercard or Interac.
All sales are final.
Thirteen (13) Sidewalk Vendor Sites
Any person who peddles or hawks goods on the streets and sidewalks of the City of Saint John is subject to requirements of the Peddlers and Hawkers By-law.
Additionally, any person who sells from a stand on the sidewalks or streets of the City of Saint John is subject to the Sidewalk By-law. Licenses for locations to sell from a stand are established by competitive bid (public auction).
1. A license to sell from a stand (Sidewalk Vendors License) entitles the holder to exclusive rights to locate a stand at the site identified.
2. Holders of a Sidewalk Vendors License are required to also obtain a Peddlers License, pursuant to the Peddlers and Hawkers By-law.
3. Operation period for a Sidewalk Vendors License shall be for a one-year period (May 1st – April 30th).
4. Method of payment: The successful bidder for a Sidewalk Vendors License shall pay the full amount at the time of the auction. Payment will be in cash, by personal cheque, Visa, MasterCard or Interac.
5. If a Sidewalk Vendors License is issued, the Licensee is prohibited from transferring, sub-leasing, assigning, sub-contracting or any disposition of said License.
6. Successful bidders for a Sidewalk Vendors License must satisfy requirements of the Sidewalk By-law.
7. The sidewalk vendor sites are to be offered by competitive bid. There is a minimum bid of $2,000 and sites are indicated on the attached maps, and described in Schedule A.
8. Goods offered for sale at these sites are restricted to food and beverage, arts and crafts. No clothing or used goods are permitted.
9. Where a Health Permit is required for preparation and sale of food products, possession of the Health Permit is a requirement.
10. Notwithstanding the allocation of these sites on a competitive bid basis, Council may issue a limited number of short-term licenses where it has been determined that they will not compromise the annual licenses.
11. There may be private sites near City-offered sites which property owners may use or lease out privately which do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Sidewalk By-law.
12. During winter snow removal, carried out by the City of Saint John Works Department, all sidewalk vendors must comply and remove their stands and/or vehicles for snow removal purposes.
13. If all the sidewalk sites are not auctioned off at the annual auction, the remaining sites will be available at the Building & Technical Services Department on a first come/first serve basis for the minimum fee.
14. Failure to comply with any or all of the above conditions may result in the license being revoked.
Schedule A
Site ID Location
1 Sidewalk in front of 7 Market Square (Hong Kong Bank) at St. Patrick Street, PID #00037002.
2 Sidewalk in front of Loyalist Plaza at intersection of St. Patrick Street and Water Street, PID # 00000003.
3 Sidewalk in front of Market Square entrance, (at foot of stairs) at St. Patrick Street, PID #55025530 and #55027809.
4. Sidewalk in front of 91 King Street at corner of Charlotte Street, PID #39982.
5 Sidewalk in King’s Square at corner of King Square North and Charlotte Street, PID #00032227.
6 Sidewalk in King’s Square at intersection of King Street and Charlotte Street, PID #00032227.
7 Sidewalk in front of 9-11 Sydney Street, PID #55182091.
8 Sidewalk in front of 40 Charlotte Street, at corner of King Square North, PID #00016212.
9 Sidewalk in front of 44 King Street (CIBC) at corner of Germain Street, PID #00009654.
10 Sidewalk in front of 1 King Street (Brunswick House) at corner of Chipman Hill, PID #00037010.
11 Sidewalk in front of 55 Canterbury Street at corner of Princess Street, PID #00008987.
12 Sidewalk in front of 110-114 Prince William Street at corner of Princess Street, PID #00008987.
13 Sidewalk in front of 123 Prince William Street, PID #00011437.
For more information, please click here