Minimum Wage to Increase on April 1st

NB_Canada_Spot_ColourPremier Brian Gallant recently announced that the minimum wage in New Brunswick will increase from $10.30 per hour to $10.65 per hour on April 1, 2016.

“Increasing the minimum wage will put more money in the pockets of New Brunswickers and have a positive effect on the economy,” said Gallant.

Recently, the Regulatory Accountability and Reporting Act was tabled in the legislative assembly. This legislation reflects an agreement reached in recent months by the three Maritime provinces to align their respective minimum wage increases.

“By working together as a Maritime region, we can create jobs and deliver better services,” said Gallant. “Aligning the timing of the minimum wage increases will reduce costs for businesses operating in more than one province by minimizing the number of times they have to make administrative changes.”

Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry said the revised schedule is positive news for New Brunswickers.

“An increase in minimum wage will provide support to those most in need,” said Landry. “It will also lead to strengthening and stimulating the economy, which will benefit small businesses in all regions of the province.”

Giv'er Saint John