Christmas Tree Drop Off Program
December 28, 2015//
Christmas Tree Drop Off Program
Friday, January 1, 2016 – Friday, January 15, 2016
When it’s time to get rid of your Christmas Tree, drop it off at one of the City of Saint John Christmas Tree Drop-off Sites
- Charles Gorman Arena – University Avenue, North.
- Crescent Valley – between 30 and 38 Taylor Avenue, North.
- Peter Murray Arena – Dever Road, West.
- Hilton Belyea Arena – Lowell Street, West.
- Forest Hills Ball Field – Westmorland Road, East.
- Old Sugar Refinery – South/Central Peninsula.
Look for the designated area for each location. Sites will be plowed and maintained for the safety of the public and workers.
If you are unable to drop off your Christmas Tree to a designated site, you can:
- remove ALL decorations and trim,
- delimb the tree and cut up the trunk and branches into manageable blocks
- place blocks and branches in your compost cart for removal on your regular garbage and compost collection day
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Christmas Tree Drop Off Program runs for 2 weeks starting tomorrow #Giver #SaintJohn