P.R.O. Kids Reception Recognized Sponsors

mayorsofficefeatureEarlier this month Saint John Mayor Mel Norton and P.R.O. Kids Advisory Committee Chair Kathryn Davison thanked sponsors, fundraisers, supporters and volunteers for providing hundreds of local children and youth in financial need with the opportunity to access the sport, arts, cultural or recreation activity of their choice. Thanks to the generosity of sponsors, P.R.O. Kids was able raise $220,000 to assist 1,500 kids in 2015.

2015 Highlights

•Thanks to the collective effort of supporters, donors, program partners and parents, P.R.O. Kids offered over $325,000 worth of program fees, equipment and transportation to children whose families otherwise could not afford the rising cost of sports, arts, recreation and culture activities.

•P.R.O. Kids placed almost 1,200 children in financial need in the sport or recreation program of their choice.

•P.R.O. Kids has grown. Over 250 children applied to P.R.O. Kids for the first time this year and roughly 1 in 5 kids in financial need in Greater Saint John are being assisted by P.R.O. Kids.

•P.R.O. Kids assisted over 65 children who are either refugees or recent immigrants.

•P.R.O. Kids expanded the SPARC program with PALS at Prince Charles and St. John the Baptist- King Edward Schools, which will give students at these schools the chance to find their passion by giving them the opportunity to try different activities ranging from basketball, art lessons, Olympic-style boxing, dance, martial arts, improv & music lessons.

•P.R.O. Kids partnered with SJPF Community Police Officers, and other youth serving agencies to provide helmets and equipment to 150 children in priority neighborhoods.

•P.R.O. Kids offered a Hockey Equipment Swap Program operating out of the Carleton Community Centre. P.R.O. Kids geared up 45 kids this year and has the capacity to help at least 100 more next year.

•P.R.O. Kids placed children in 99 different Sports and Recreation organizations and received in-kind support from many of these program partners in the form of free spaces or discounted fees.

Primary Financial Sponsors ($25,000+)

•Canadian Tire Jumpstart

•Dickie Crossman Memorial Foundation

Premier Financial Sponsors($10,000 to $24,999)

•Rocky’s Sports Bar

•United Commercial Travellers – Jack Kidd Council 755

•MindCare –  Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation

•Brian Lund Memorial Fund – Community Foundation

•Anonymous Donation

Major Financial Sponsors ($5,000 to $9,999)

•Quispamsis Fun Run and Swim

•100 Men Who Care of Greater Saint John

Activity Sponsors ($1,000 to $4,999)

•Peter Landers Memorial Golf Tournament

•Brent Kelly Memorial Fund

•Joe Israel – OutKast Car Club Car Show

•Jeff and Ann LaFrance – Rides and Rockwood Car Show

•RBC Foundation

•Cleves Source for Sports

•Saint John Sea Dogs Foundation

•Leslie McGee

In Kind Sponsorship

•Acadia Broadcasting – 97.3 The Wave & Country 94

•City of Saint John Staff

•Delta Brunswick Hotel

•Moosehead Breweries

•Telegraph Journal

•Freeman Audio Visual

•Canadian Tire West

•Whimsical Memories

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