Win at Dobson Signature Auto’s 1st Anniversary Sale!
Come to Dobson Signature Auto’s First Anniversary Sale and you could win a brand new snowblower! Located at 275 Rothesay Avenue in Saint John, Dobson Signature Auto has lots of quality pre-owned vehicles marked down by thousands of dollars. Plus, buy any pre-owned vehicle between now and December 25th and you’ll be entered into a draw to win a brand new snowblower valued at approximately $1500 before taxes. Dobson Signature Auto is open Monday and Thursday from 8 am to 8 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 am to 6 pm; and Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm. For more information telephone 634-6300, visit their website at, or like their Facebook Page.
About Photos Above:
Left: Somebody will win this snowblower!
Right: The Dobson Signature Auto crew from left to right Mike Northrup, Colleen Quigg, and Eldon Brown.
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Win this snowblower at Dobson Signature Auto! #Giver #SaintJohn