Lest We Forget: Remembrance Day Display at Saint John Arts Centre

Corporal_DeMilleAs a gesture of respect for our veterans, the Saint John Arts Centre (SJAC) has initiated a new tradition of hosting a display of artifacts honouring a member of the Canadian Armed Forces during the November-December exhibit cycle.

This year’s display commemorates Corporal George Edward DeMille, a Hampton, NB native who was killed in action in Belgium during the First World War.

SJAC would like to thank historian Byron O’Leary for his invaluable assistance with this project.

The Saint John Arts Centre is located at 20 Peel Plaza. For more information telephone 506-633-4870, email sjac@saintjohnartscentre.com, Like their Facebook Pagefollow them on Twitter @SJArtsCentreor visit their website at www.saintjohnartscentre.com.