November is Family Violence Prevention Month

familyviolencemonthPremier Brian Gallant, who is also the minister responsible for women’s equality, signed a declaration marking November as Family Violence Prevention Month in New Brunswick.

The Premier Brian issued the following statement:

Family violence is a serious societal issue that does not discriminate; it affects our families and communities and is often experienced behind closed doors. Too often, we hear about tragedies resulting from domestic violence targeted at women. New Brunswickers should be outraged that this abuse continues.

As a government we are committed to ending family violence. We work closely with community partners in delivering services to victims and enhancing awareness and violence prevention programs.

Our government is proud to support various programs and initiatives that provide much-needed services to women in this province:

  • Domestic Violence Outreach services;
  • the Concurrent Group Program for Children exposed to violence and their Mothers;
  • Second-stage housing;
  • the Provincial Partnership in Action Forum;
  • Community Action Fund;
  • the Provincial Strategy on Sexual Assault Services and related services; and
  • the Strategic Framework to End Violence against Wabanaki Women in New Brunswick.

Every year, the Fergusson Foundation, formerly the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation, appeals to New Brunswickers to recognize November as Family Violence Prevention Month. The foundation has been working to eliminate family violence for almost 30 years by funding research into the causes of family violence and by promoting educational programs and supporting organizations that provide services to those impacted by violence and abuse.

I was pleased to sign a declaration marking November as Family Violence Prevention Month in New Brunswick. During November, I encourage New Brunswickers to acknowledge that domestic violence exists in our communities, that it is completely unacceptable and that it will not be tolerated.

Photo Above (from left): Rebecca Francis, administrative manager; Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers; Premier Gallant; Noreen Bonnell, president of the Fergusson Foundation; and Tim McCluskey, vice-president of the Fergusson Foundation.

Giv'er Saint John