Major milestone reached for Safe Clean Drinking Water Project

cleanwaterPort City Water Partners has been declared preferred proponent with respect to the City’s Safe Clean Drinking Water Project.

Under the Project Agreement, Port City Water Partners will design, build, finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM) a new water treatment plant on the City’s East side under a 33 year agreement.  Port City Water Partners will also design, build and finance 26 kms of pipeline to renew the City’s water transmission and distribution system.

Port City Water Partners has made a firm fixed price date certain commitment for the delivery of the project. The City of Saint John retains ownership and control of the assets and sets the water rates.  The City has set strict technical water quality and safety standards to which Port City Water Partners will need to comply.

“This was Common Council’s number one priority,” said Mayor Mel Norton. “The project will provide Saint John Water customers with drinking water that will meet federal and provincial water standards for many years to come.”

The project includes the construction of a new seventy-five million litre per day water treatment plant, storage reservoirs on the East side and a number of other high impact and critical water transmission system improvements throughout the City.

The new water treatment plant and other project components will be completed by no later than November 2018. The City’s West side is scheduled to be supplied with groundwater from newly drilled wells by the end of 2017.

In November, 2013, the Province of New Brunswick and PPP Canada announced a combined investment of up to $114.6 million toward the City of Saint John Safe Clean Drinking Water Project.  The PPP Canada Fund is making a contribution of up to $57.3 million while the Province of New Brunswick is providing a contribution of up to $57.3 million through the Regional Development Corporation.

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