2015 Minister’s Excellence in Teaching Awards
Ten teachers in the anglophone sector will be presented with Minister’s Excellence in Teaching Awards in recognition of their exceptional work.
The awards are presented annually to teachers who have demonstrated outstanding commitment, enthusiasm, ingenuity and leadership with respect to the learning and development of their students.
“New Brunswickers can be proud of this year’s award recipients and of all the teachers and staff in our school system for their dedication to preparing our young people for a bright future in our province,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Serge Rousselle. “These individuals have distinguished themselves as teachers, mentors and guides for our students.”
The following teachers will receive the awards at a ceremony Saturday evening, November 14th, in Fredericton:
Anglophone School District North:
- John Mann, Superior Middle School;
- Vivian Kierstead, Dr. Losier Middle School.
Anglophone School District East:
- Armand Doucet, Riverview High School;
- Kelly White, Lou MacNarin School.
Anglophone School District South:
- Rose Marie Theriault, River Valley Middle School;
- JoAnn Watters, Princess Elizabeth School;
- Mark Perry, Kennebecasis Valley High School.
Anglophone School District West:
- Lori Thompson-Hay, Fredericton High School;
- Angela Thomson, Ridgeview Middle School;
- David Steeves, Devon Middle School.
“On behalf of all New Brunswickers, I commend all the nominees and congratulate the recipients,” Rousselle said. “They are an inspirational example of excellence in education in our province, both as individual teachers and in their collective contribution to our education system.”
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