Saint John SPCA Animal Rescue Pet of the Week: Ariel
November 3, 2015//
Meet the Saint John SPCA Animal Rescue Pet of the week — Ariel!
Are you ready to love Ariel? This petite kitty has a very sweet and calm demeanour.
She enjoys being brushed and her eyes become big and bright at the sound of a treat bag.
Come in and visit this beautiful girl and you won’t want to leave her behind.
The SPCA Animal Rescue is open for visitation Wednesday through Saturday from 11 am to 5 pm.
They are located at 295 Bayside Drive.
For more information telephone (506) 642-0920, visit their website at, like their Facebook Page, or follow them on Twitter @SPCAAR.
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Introducing Ariel, the Pet of the Week @SPCAAR #Giver #SaintJohn