Saint John LED Street Light Conversion

SJEnergyLEDInfographicAs part of ongoing initiatives to increase energy efficiency and to help with our environmental footprint, Saint John Energy and the City of Saint John are undertaking the conversion of legacy street lighting to energy efficient, environmentally preferable, lower maintenance LED (light emitting diode) street lights.

Saint John Energy has, since its inception, provided street lighting services to the City of Saint John. This project will see the conversion of over 7000 street lights.

“The reduction in emission is equivalent to 3880 metric tonnes of CO2, or enough to remove over 800 passenger vehicles off the road for one year,” said Marta Kelly, VP of Finance and Administration for Saint John Energy. “The reduction in operational costs is forecasted to provide energy and maintenance savings when fully implemented. This will result in a reduction of approximately 5.6 million kWhs annually. That is enough electricity to heat 350 homes for one year.”

Saint John Energy hopes to have all the street lights converted over to LEDs before the end of 2015.

“We’ve seen the work under way and we see the difference it is making,” said Mayor Mel Norton in a recent Council meeting.

The benefits of installing LED Street lights

  • 60-70% more energy efficient
  • Approximate 20 year lifespan
  • Less maintenance required
  • Less light pollution; light focused on roads
  • Reduced CO2 emissions
  • Smaller, brighter and energy efficient
  • Objects appear clearer and more defined
  • Do not contain mercury
  • Recyclable
  • Do not need to warm up; quickly turn on

sjenergyEnergy Efficient, Environmentally Safe, Better Quality Light, A wise Investment for Saint John!

For more information, please visit Saint John Energy’s website at

Saint John Energy has been a premier provider of energy to the people of Saint John since 1922. Today, Saint John Energy provides reliable services and competitive rates to more than 36,500 local customers through 13 substations spanning 316 square kilometres. Saint John Energy also provides street lighting, area lighting and more than 20,000 water heater rentals. Toward our mission of excellence in energy solutions, we deliver value to our customers through our commitment to environmental, social and economic sustainability.

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