Vote for Carleton’s Splash Pad!

splashpad2Funds are being sought from the Aviva Community Fund to complete the Carleton Community Splash Pad project.The programs and services at the Carleton Community Centre have been heating up in recent years, but cooling off has been slightly out of reach, until now.

The Carleton Community Splash Pad will be a water feature in the centre of the Lower West Side community playground. The splash pad will be a place for children to gather and to have access to active, outdoor play, in the heart of a priority neighborhood that is known to have a 33% poverty rate.

splashpadThe play park is adjacent to a very busy community garden and neighbourhood wellness centre, as well as the local food bank. Children in this area do not have access to a community pool or beach, as transportation is a barrier to most.

The community has been trying to raise funds to support this project for many years and the pad would be an amazing addition to current recreation facilities in the area. Funds in the amount of $100,000 would cover the cost of the water supply, as it has already been roughed in. It would also cover the purchase and instillation of a “bucket” and some super squirt guns. Please consider this request for support and allow us to put a water feature on the vacant concrete slab in the middle of the playground.

You can vote daily until October 23rd to support this project that will help put a water feature on the vacant concrete slab in the middle of the playground. Click here to make this project a reality.

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