Harbour Passage to be Restored: Cranberry to the Core

The City of Saint John is pleased to announce that Harbour Passage will be receiving a much needed refresh.

The project includes an asphalt overlay and reapplication of the iconic cranberry coating.  It is anticipated that upon completion of this work the Passage will be restored to its original beauty that residents and visitors have come to appreciate.  The overall construction schedule is expected to begin today Tuesday, September 8th with an estimated completion date of Friday, October 16th.

The restoration will occur in phases.  Starting on the Chesley Drive end and working towards York Point, roughly one third of the trail will be closed off at a time. This will allow for localized repairs and preparation work to occur.  Upon completion of the section nearest York Point, the work will be completed in reverse and in similar-sized sections. This will enable the asphalt overlay and application of the cranberry coating.

Those using Harbour Passage as a transportation route are advised to seek an alternate route during the construction period. Those wishing to enjoy the remaining open areas along Harbour Passage are advised to exercise caution and to obey signage when in the area.

For more information on the project, please contact Parks & Public Spaces at 658-2908.

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