Uptown Mug #74 . Sgt. David Hartley-Brown and Cst. Duane Squires

We love our uptown boys in blue, Sgt David Hartley-Brown and Cst Duane Squires.  These two gents can often be seen out and about our uptown core, protecting and serving.  Whether it be on 4 wheels, 2 wheels, or beating the street by feet, Sgt David and Cst Duane have become familiar faces and we appreciate their presence always, assuring our safety and keeping things in line where and when needed.


So, let’s get some inside info on these two gents..


Where were you born/Where are you from? 

(Duane)  I was born in St. John’s Newfoundland and grew up just outside in Mount Pearl. I graduated from the Atlantic Police Academy PEI in 2006 and Saint John has been my home ever since. When I first moved to SJ I lived lower west, then Forest Hills and last year moved to Millidgeville.

(David) I was born in Saint John, NB.


How long have you been a part of the uptown scene? 

(Duane)  I’ve worked uptown uniform patrol with SJPF for 9 years, This past January I had the opportunity to join our Community Response Unit in the Waterloo Village / Uptown Area. The more time I spend uptown walking the beat, riding the bike and just meeting the people, the more I like it.

(David) I’ve been working in the uptown for 35 years.


Name one or two people who you look to for inspiration?

(David)  There are too many to name, just anyone who shares a passion to make a positive change in our community, province , country, world!


What is your ultimate favorite snack food? 

(Duane)  Of course as a Police Officer most of you would think I would say donuts and who doesn’t like donuts right? But I would have say chips are a weakness (Lays Ketchup & Doritos Intense Pickle)


Do you have any pets?

(Duane) I have a seven year old Golden Retriever named Bella. 
What is your most guilty pleasure? 

(Duane) I have to admit…. I binge watch Netflix

(David) JU JUBES from the Bulk Barn before I go see a movie.



What is your Uptown Insider Tip?

(Duane)  Uptown is unique! In the nice weather was have a beautiful Harbour Passage, in winter the pedway which is amazing because you can travel quite a distance without having to go outside in the weather. But if people ask about food I send them to Churchills and recommend the char crust!

(David)  That’s easy, Freak Lunchbox!! lol.


Sgt David and Cst Duane would like to emphasize that if any citizen sees something of a concerning matter, to contact the Saint John City Police non-emergency number, 648.3333.  If an emergency, call 911.

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