2nd Year of ‘Student Created’ Banners on Prince William Street

The Business Improvement Association, Uptown Saint John Inc., has recently installed new artistic banners on historic Prince William Street. This is the second year for an installation of this kind, showcasing our wonderful, talented youth! These banners were created, by local students from École des Pionniers, Centre Scolaire Samuel-de-Champlain, St. Malachy’s Memorial High School, Touchstone Academy, Rothesay Netherwood, De las Artes School of Arts, Rothesay High School, L’Arche, and Kennebecasis Valley High School, in conjunction with our recent Uptown Box Art Project. Canvases were created by the talented students, then transposed onto lovely, vibrant banners – each titled and very special to these young artists. The Uptown Saint John BIA prioritizes placemaking, bringing vibrancy consistent with other works of art uptown.
Please take a stroll down Prince William Street and notice each of the 19 unique pieces. Check HERE to see all of the banners, along with each artists’ name and title of their art. Below are a only a few of the banners – they are absolutely beautiful!

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Source: Uptown Saint John