City of Saint John Update On Rapid Housing Initiative Funding Application Partnerships


Since Council’s adoption of the City’s Affordable Housing Action Plan in October 2022, staff have focused their efforts on taking action and moving towards achieving the plan’s outcomes. At last night’s meeting of Council, City staff provided an update related to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) Rapid Housing Initiative funding program and what steps the City has taken to access this funding.

The program’s Project Stream, launched by CMHC in November 2022, is highly competitive. By partnering with a level of local government, non-profit housing organizations in Saint John face a much greater chance of success in obtaining federal funding. Therefore, City staff have been working in collaboration with this sector to develop the most effective mix of applications that will have the strongest opportunity to receive funding from the program.

The City is pleased to announce that it will be applying for CMHC Rapid Housing Initiative’s round three funding on behalf of the following organizations:

  • Kaleidoscope Social Impact – 39 affordable housing units, located at 58 Broad Street/Broadview Avenue
  • Unified Saint John Housing Co-op – 12 units of supportive housing located at 53-57 Victoria Street
  • Rehabitat – 60 affordable housing units located on the West Side
  • John Howard Society – 12 units of supportive housing located at 12 Troop Street

Combined, the projects being developed by these four organizations represent 123 potential new affordable housing units. The Affordable Housing Action Plan has set a target that 30 per cent of all new construction will contain affordable housing units over the next five years.

These projects represent a critical factor in closing the gap on affordable housing needs in Saint John for the most vulnerable households and those with support/special needs. The City is committed to taking action and working with other levels of government and the non-profit housing sector to find solutions that will increase affordable housing development throughout the community.

Housing is the cornerstone of healthy neighbourhoods and individual well-being. Through its Affordable Housing Action Plan, the City of Saint John is being proactive to address the affordable housing crunch to ensure a strong, vibrant and growing community.

More information on the City’s Affordable Housing Action Plan can be found HERE.