Canada Games Aquatic Centre Seeking Expressions Of Interest For Potential Business Opportunities
On behalf of the Canada Games Aquatic Centre
The Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission is collaborating with the City of Saint John to revitalize the Canada Games Aquatic Centre (CGAC). This involves identifying new revenue opportunities to ensure the CGAC continues to provide valuable services to the community for years to come.
The CGAC is currently accepting submissions for concepts and ideas that will increase the use of the facility’s space and amenities. Input is welcomed from individuals, businesses, and other organizations from across the region regarding possible partnerships or opportunities.
This is not a call for tenders or a request for proposals, but rather an opportunity to present ideas for potential business concepts.
Those interested are invited to submit a written description of an idea or concept for a possible partnership, business venture, and or potential opportunities to use spaces and amenities located within the CGAC.
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, July 5, 2022.
For more information and full submission details please visit the City of Saint John website HERE.