Book Review: “Waiting for Still Water” by Susan White

Award-winning New Brunswick author Susan White’s newest young adult/middle-grader novel is Waiting for Still Water, a book centred around an extended family composed of foster children, past and present, who have been under the care of the redoubtable Amelia Walton, who owns a farm on Walton Lake on the Kingston Peninsula.

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Book Review: “In the Country” by Wayne Curtis

New Brunswick author Wayne Curtis has released his latest title, In the Country (2016, Pottersfield Press) a collection of short stories, twelve in all, that will resonate with anyone familiar with the Miramichi River area where the author was born some 73 years ago. It will especially appeal to readers who lived here over the decades of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

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Book Review: “The Call of the Ocean” by Jim Wellman

Flanker Press recently released an invaluable book penned by Jim Wellman of twenty-eight fascinating profiles of people who are (or were) involved with the modern ocean fishery industry in one way or another. There are stories of lives lived on the sea, lives lost at sea, lives saved at sea, boat builders, both young and old, women who fish & more.

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Book Review: “The Memory Chair” by Susan White

New Brunswick author Susan White’s “The Memory Chair” (2015, Acorn Press) was recently chosen by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre as one of their Best Books for Kids and Teens. It is the story of Betony, a thirteen-year-old girl who is often dragged along by her father when he visits Gram, Betony’s great-grandmother.

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Book Review: “Finding Woods” by Matt Mott

It has been quite some time since I have read any ‘modern’ horror novels. Back in my younger years I was quite a fan of Stephen King, but as I got older my reading tastes changed to literature and history with the occasional novel or book of short stories thrown in for variety. Recently I was alerted to the fact that a Miramichi resident (who has since moved to Saint John) has written a book that I should take a look at. I was able to get a review copy of Finding Woods by Matt Mott (2014, Montag Press) from the author himself.

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