Giv'er Saint John
Saint John Transit Route Detours: Santa Claus Parade Saturday November 18, 2023
Saint John Transit announces the following route changes and service disruptions, expected to begin after 4 pm and end around 8 pm on Saturday, November 18, 2023, for the Saint John Santa Claus Parade. Route 1W Lancaster Mall The bus will run from Haymarket Square, along City Road, left on Garden, right on Somerset Street, left…
Read MoreCity Hours And Service Schedules For Remembrance Day
The City of Saint John advises residents that City Hall, Rothesay Avenue and Adelaide Street offices will be closed on Monday, November 13 in honour of Remembrance Day. Saint John City Market: Closed on Saturday, November 11 with regular hours of operation on Monday, November 13. Saint John Transit: No service on Saturday, November 11. Garbage…
Read MoreChristmas Discounters Opens In Parkway Mall
Check out Christmas Discounters at Parkway Mall. They have a new location this year and are open Monday to Saturday 9am to 9pm and Sunday 12 to 6. . You will find great deals with 70 percent off MRSP .
Read MoreCommunity Invited To Participate In A Healing Walk For National Day For Truth and Reconciliation
National Truth and Reconciliation Day is a day of remembrance and reflection in Canada. Observed annually on September 30, it honours the experiences of Indigenous peoples who were impacted by the residential school system. This system was established by the Canadian government and operated from the late 1800s to the 1990s, with the goal of…
Read MoreTraffic Advisory: Saint Patrick Street
The City of Saint John is advising the public of the following traffic advisory. Street: Saint Patrick Street Date: Tuesday, September 19 Time: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Duration: Fourteen (14) days Direction: Northbound and Southbound Action: Traffic will be reduced to one lane and sidewalks will be closed to through traffic. Specific area: Between Union Street and Water Street between the…
Read MoreHammond Valley Community Church Celebration September 9th
Hammond Valley Community Church is having a Grand Opening of their new Sanctuary at 24 Sun Rise Crescent Saturday September 9. Come out to celebrate and enjoy a roasted pig supper starting at 5pm to 6:30 followed by celebration time at 7pm with special music and sharing stories. Then on Sunday at 11am everyone is…
Read MoreAtlantic Balloon Fiesta Taking Place September 7th to 10th
Join the excitement at the 36th annual Atlantic Balloon Fiesta September 7th to the 10th at Princess Louise Park Sussex N.B. Hot Air Balloon Rides During our event we have 2 opportunities to fly each day Thursday September 7th through Sunday September 10th (Weather Permitting) The Balloons lift off just after sunrise at 7:30am and…
Read MoreCity of Saint John Pleased To Offer Free Public Skating
The City of Saint John is pleased to offer free public skating at the Stewart Hurley Arena from September 11 to October 12, 2023. Free skating will be offered from 2:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday and one additional night skate time will be offered on Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00…
Read MoreCity Launches Traffic Calming Pilot Project In Two Neighbourhoods
The City of Saint John has launched a pilot project to help calm traffic in two city neighbourhoods by targeting excessive speeding and encouraging residents to be cautious and drive safely. Work has begun to install speed cushions along McNamara Drive in East Saint John and Cedarwood Drive in Millidgeville. These streets were identified as…
Read MoreSaint John Firefighters Museum BBQ Aug 29th and 30th
Hey everyone we’re Inviting you to our last fundraiser of the season!! Everyone is welcome! Come join us for BBQ, truck rides and colouring pages as well as visiting our museum! Tomorrow August 29th and Wednesday August 30th from 10-3, all in support of Muscular Dystrophy Canada! Can’t wait to see everyone there!
Read MoreExhibition 2023 Aug 29 – Sept 2
AUGUST, 2023 29AUG TUE 2:30 pm – 9:00 pm Alex Animation – Character meetings and shows 3:00 pm Ride the Vibe Motorcycle Show 3:30 pm Nathaniel Rankin Strolling Magic 4:00 pm Domino Man 7:00 pm Gary Morris & The Valley Jamboree 9:00 pm Saint John EX – opening night Fireworks! 30AUG WED 2:00 pm…
Read MoreCamp Courage Invites Community To Attend Live Rescue Simulation
Camp Courage, an interactive training camp that gives young women and gender-diverse youth a look into careers in first response, is inviting the community to attend its final training exercise, a hands-on live rescue simulation at the Saint John Exhibition Park on August 31, 2023. Eleven female and gender-diverse youth aged 15-19 from across Canada will…
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