A Canada 150 Grant Provides A Picnic Spot and Interactive Signs For Rothesay

Friday, February 9, 2018  COUNTRY 94 NEWS

A belated Canada 150 project announced in 2018 but no one at Rothesay town hall is bothered by the delay.

$150,000 from the province allowed the town to build a lookout and picnic area in East Riverside-Kingshurt Park and to install electronic notice boards.

Mayor Nancy Grant tells CHSJ News the lookout will provide an 180 degree view of the Kennebecasis River.

“It offers an unparallelled view of Minister’s Face across the river and when combined with the public washrooms we did last fall,”  Grant says “it’s going to make the park even more well used that it has been in the past.   People are going to love it I think”.

Work on the shelter finished before Christmas.

The town purchased three interactive message boards which will be set up in three different spots and it came about after a request by the age-friendly committee who felt it might help improve communications throughout the community.