War Amps “Champs” to pass on safety message

The War Amps, a leader in the field of child safety, is bringing an important safety message to those attending the Safe Kids Expo.

Marissa Gorjizadeh, 18, was born a left arm amputee and Emma Coakley, 11, was born a right hand amputee. As members of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, they are well qualified to pass on the PLAYSAFE message as they have met children who have lost limbs in accidents that could have been prevented. With a colourful display board and handout material, they will educate young attendees about the importance of “spotting the danger” before they play.

When: Saturday, June 10 – 10:30 am to 2:30 pm

Where: Rockwood Park – Kiwanis Play Park
175 Fisher Lakes Drive, Saint John

For more information visit www.waramps.ca