Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, June 1, 2017
MIRAMICHI – We are still experiencing a bit of the “in-between” season. There are more positive reports of sea trout, still only a handful of bright salmon reported, and good striped bass reports in some areas, but quiet in others.
But first, an item that may affect a lot of anglers, and one that most deem to be very unpopular and extremely unnecessary: The closure of close to 10 kilometers of the Northwest Miramichi tideway where striped bass are spawning.
*Updated: Notice to Recreational Anglers
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Gulf Region
Striped bass spawning ground angling closure in the Northwest Miramichi River from June 1 to June 9, 2017
Moncton, New Brunswick – Updated May 30, 2017* – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced the dates of the closure of angling during the Striped bass spawning period in a portion of the Northwest Miramichi River.
From Thursday, June 1 to Friday, June 9, 2017 inclusively, angling will be prohibited from the bridge in Red Bank downriver approximately 9.8 km to a line crossing the Northwest Miramichi River on a north/south axis from the point where the road 425 (Boom Road) meets Road 435 in Whitney, and defined by two points as indicated on the following map.
Legend: The map below shows a close up view of the Northwest Miramichi River in the Red Bank to Whitney area. The Red Bank-Sunny Corner bridge is visible on the lower left side of the map, and on the right side, the downstream boundary of the angling closure is indicated with a black line drawn between two points located 9.8 km downriver from the bridge. The zone that will be closed is marked in red. Coordinates of the two points defining the line are: 1) 46°58’1.017″/ -65°42’58.185″ on the north shore; and 2) 46°57’41.712″/ -65°42’58.185″ on the south shore (NAD 83).
Source: Natural Resources Canada
The Northwest Miramichi River estuary is the only confirmed successful spawning ground for Striped bass in the entire southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, as established by DFO science. The closure of all angling in the area and during the time when the Striped bass are most concentrated and actively spawning aims at ensuring the best success of spawning activities and the continuous health of the Striped bass stock in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. With the exception of the area described above, the recreational fishery will remain open throughout the Miramichi river system during the striped bass spawning period.
Please refer to Gulf Variation Order 2017-038 which will be issued on May 31, 2017, for further details. The Orders Registry is available online at:
Orders Registry – Order summaries for existing fisheries
Anyone wishing to report suspicious fishing activity anonymously is asked to contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
See the Recreational fishing plan for Striped bass in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2017
*The notice published on May 4, 2017, was updated to indicate the dates of the closure.
For more information on this fishery, please contact:
Frédéric Butruille
A/Regional Senior Fisheries Management Officer
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Moncton, New Brunswick
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said anglers were catching some nice sea trout and river trout between Blackville and Boiestown. Some were in the five pound range. The water was cold, and maybe a tad high in the Blackville area, but good above that. They had heard of a few bright salmon on the Northwest Miramichi, but the only report of a bright on the Southwest was by a trout fisherman who saw one going through the pool he was fishing. Flies of choice were Mayfly hatches, Green Machines, Muddlers, Streamer patterns on smaller hooks and a few dry flies such as Wulffs.
Andrew Anthony of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said anglers were picking up lots of nice sea trout in the three pound range as far up as Norrad’s Bridge, and some nice river trout as well. The water was cool, but very fishable, although caution was advised when wading. Flies of choice were White Wulffs, White-tailed Green Machines and Emergers.
Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said angling there was fairly quiet with no bright salmon reported and only a few trout being caught. The water was cold and fishable. Flies of choice were Humpies, Rat-faced McDougalls, Royal Wulffs and Blue Gnats.
Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said anglers were picking up sea trout and river trout, but there were no bright salmon reports there yet. The water level was good. Flies of choice were Muddlers, Rat-faced McDougalls, Marabous (Green Slime & Olive), White-tailed Green Machines, Mickey Finns, and Maggott Smelts.
Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported hearing of one bright salmon on the Southwest, and both sea trout (3-5 pounds) and some river trout being caught. Bass fishing was improving and some were starting to spawn. Flies of choice were Green Machines, Butterflies, White-tailed Green Machines, Shady Ladies and Black Ghosts.
Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said they were picking up some nice winter trout in the 3-4 pound range and there was a 21-inch sea trout reported. Several more bright salmon were hooked and he had heard of one hooked on the Dungarvon. The water was a good temperature and a good height. There were lots of striped bass being hooked around the Red Bank Bridge, and even some reported spawning in the Big Hole Tract. Flies of choice were Black Ghosts, Green Machines and Rusty Rats.
Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi said there were striped bass galore below the Red Bank Bridge and some anglers using bass flies were doing extremely well. There were a few trout and one bright salmon reported on the Northwest. Water conditions were typical June 1 conditions and over all good. The Northwest Barrier will be in operation again this year, and the a fish-counter camera has been installed on the Little Southwest Miramichi. The exodus of smolt is complete. Flies of choice for bass were Deceivers, Poppers and bass flies.
So as we head into June, we anticipate an over all improvement, so get out and “on the water”.
The Coalition for Better Salmon Management (CBSM) now has a website at salmonnb.com, which already has a membership over 1,000. It is a major voice for salmon conservation here in New Brunswick.
Bryant Freeman: ALL THINGS FISHING by Doug Underhill
or from Doug Underhill
438 McKinnon Road
Miramichi, NB
E1V 6G2
or Bryant Freeman 1-506-386-6269
Cover price $19.95
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Doug Underhill
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Miramichi, NB, Canada, E1V 6G2
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Thought for the Week: “There are more fish taken out of a stream than ever were in it.” – Oliver Herford

Miramichi Striper Cup
“One Last Cast” from Bouctouche repeat as champions. They weighed in four fish over the two day tournament with a total weight of 70 pounds.
A few event stats:
There were 1747 participants, 219 teams in the team division, 36 boats in family division, 783 in the individual division.
4460 lbs of bass weighed in (2.02 tons), 9 died.
There was a tagged fish caught that was also caught last year – same fish caught two years in a row!
Miramichi can brag they have a TON of BASS!
Thank you to all the participants, the city and staff, sponsors and volunteers
For more information on the Striper Cup, please visit miramichistripercup.ca
I thought you might find this interesting.
Guy Robichaud (see below)
The Swedish Supreme Environmental Court has decided to ban and stop fish farming in cages in open water
The Swedish Supreme Environmental Court has decided to ban and stop fish farming in cages in open water in three places and to reduce the amount farmed in another place. This is a result of the so called Weser-judgement from the EU-Court in combination with new Environmental Quality Norms in water in Sweden. The three banned farms will be successively closed within 3 years. The Court question whether cages in open water is the best technique and they also question the possibility for the affected waters to break down the amounts of nutrients delivered by the farming without being eutrophicated. This judgement will probably bring to an end all fish farming in open cages affecting waters not having reached Good Ecological Status. Whether fish farming could be accepted in Hydro-Electric water magasines with reduced nutrient amounts is still an open question.
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Thurs., May 25, 2017
ASF RIVERNOTES Looks at the State of the Water
The water levels are finally receding after an excessively wet May, and everyone can now look forward to summer time on Atlantic salmon rivers. Check out water levels and flood impacts throughout Eastern Canada – and the first hints of Atlantic salmon.
The Smolt are on Their Way!
ASF Biologists have been capturing, tagging, and releasing smolts on their way to the sea. It’s part of our ongoing acoustic tracking program. Check out a 40 second video of this work on the Southwest Miramichi from last week.
ASF Annual Report For 2016 is Now Available Digitally
ASF has uploaded a digital version of its latest Annual Report to our website. Read about our activities from the last year ranging from tracking to dam removals.
What Would Climate Change Mean for Atlantic Salmon?
A commentary by ASF’s Neville Crabbe looks at the predicted affects of global warming on Atlantic salmon.
Aquabounty Genetically Modified Salmon Expansion on PEI Poses Risks
A commentary by PEI residents points out both the financial and environmental risks of having a growout facility. Read more.
Washington State Responsible for $2 Billion in Salmon Restoration
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled the government in Olympia responsible for restoring fish passage, including replacement of thousands of poorly installed culverts state-wide.
To keep track of breaking news on wild Atlantic salmon, use the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s presence on Facebook. Log in, search for Atlantic Salmon Federation, and click “like”.
Anyone wishing to report suspicious fishing activity anonymously is asked to contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477
Until next week
The post Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, June 1, 2017 appeared first on Giver on the River.