Call for Artist Submissions $30,000 in Awards – The Salt Spring National Art Prize

The Salt Spring National Art Prize (SSNAP) 2017 Call For Artist Submissions offering $30,000 in Awards

SSNAP is pleased to launch its second biennial juried competition of Canadian 2D and 3D visual art, encouraging artists whose practice demonstrates originality, quality, integrity and creativity, resulting in work with a real visual impact and depth of meaning.

Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are 18 years and older (as of 01/01/16) are invited to submit.

Approximately 50 finalists will be chosen by an independent jury. All artists’ submissions anonymous to the jury.

Call open until May 31, 2017

SSNAP Awards Totalling $30,000:

THE JOAN McCONNELL AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING WORK; $17,000 ($12,000 and a $5,000 Salt Spring Island artist residency)

THE STEPHEN P. ROBERTS JURORS’ CHOICE AWARDS; three awards of $2,000 selected by each juror

THE ROSEMARIE BEHNCKE PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS; three awards determined by a vote of visitors to the exhibition;

1st prize – $3,000
2nd prize – $2,000
3rd prize – $1,000

THE ASA (Alliance of Salt Spring Artists) AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING SALT SPRING ARTIST; $1,000

Guidelines and submission details to be found on our website