13th annual Walk for Alzheimer’s – Sunday, May 29th
On Sunday, May 29th, New Brunswickers in 15 communities will be coming together to celebrate the 13th annual Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick’s “Walk for Alzheimer’s.”
The Walk for Alzheimer’s is the Alzheimer Society’s signature grassroots event that brings much needed funds and public awareness to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Funds raised at the event enable the Alzheimer Society to continue providing their bilingual education programs and support services across the province.
“My wife and I also participate in Alzheimer Society support programs for people like me, and those who become our caregivers. We are learning how to handle life with dementia. I eagerly share my journey with anyone who is curious, and help them realize that there is life after a diagnosis of dementia. I also want to teach people that not everyone with dementia fits the stereotype of what many people think of when they hear the word Alzheimer’s,” says Jim, an Alzheimer Society client and volunteer.
“We are so excited to see the growth in the Walk for Alzheimer’s event. The funds collected make a direct impact in New Brunswick communities for people like Jim.” says Jamie Matthews, Fundraising and Communications Coordinator of the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick. “This year alone, it is estimated that there will be over 2950 new cases of dementia in our province and a total of over 16,900 already living with the social, emotional and financial impacts of this disease.”
In 2015, Alzheimer Society’s across Canada developed a unified brand under the Walk for Alzheimer’s which brought an increase in the community’s awareness and response surrounding the event. That same year, the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick was approached by John Clark, a well-recognized New Brunswick businessman and philanthropist, and the J. T. Clark Family Foundation. Their challenge was that they would match every dollar raised beyond that $100,000 level. That was sufficient encouragement to enable the Walk for Alzheimer’s to generate a record-breaking total of $173,000!
The Foundation has returned for 2016 with yet another challenge: The Families Helping Families Gift Matching Challenge will match dollar for dollar all that is raised over $150,000 up to $50,000. So now the path is clear to the goal of $200,000 by the event date on May 29th .
The proceeds from the Walk for Alzheimer’s helps the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick and its five Resource Centres to further extend their support into the surrounding rural communities across the province.
“Our primary focus is on expanding our reach into more communities to help families access support early to help families avoid crisis down the road,” says Matthews. The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick primarily relies on our events to support the growing need for our programs.
“It is not too late to start fundraising,” says Matthews. “If you are interested in making a difference, you can register yourself, a family team, a team from work, or even host a bake sale or donate the proceeds from dress down day at work.”
This family-friendly event brings together people from all generations to bring much needed awareness and funds for community-based programs. This year’s grand prize for the top fundraiser is a trip for two anywhere WestJet flies.
Bathurst, Campobello, Caraquet, Dalhousie, Edmundston, Fredericton, Grand Manan, Miramichi, Moncton, Rexton, Sackville, Saint John, St. Andrews, St. George and Woodstock
About the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick:
The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick has five Resource Centres around the province, and runs numerous monthly Caregiver Support Networks for people with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia and their families. The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick provides support and information through a toll free bilingual 1-800 line, and provides comprehensive information kits to help families navigate their way through a diagnosis or suspicion of Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer Society provides in-office and telephone support, and organizes various fund development activities to help fund the national Alzheimer Society Research Program.
Our Vision:
We see communities where no one suffers from dementia – we have taken a stand against the disease, defied its predicted path, and defeated its dark shadow.