City of Saint John 2016 Spring Street Sweeping Program

sjcitylogoThe City of Saint John’s Spring Street Sweeping Program begins this week and citizens can expect to see crews cleaning the sand and debris from our streets and sidewalks until the end of June.

The Street Sweeping Program is a vital program to improve the function of our streets, sidewalks and storm water systems as well as the appearance of our City. As per the City’s sweeping management plan for streets and sidewalks, only streets containing curb, storm water catch basins and designated bicycle lanes will be cleaned as part of the scheduled sweeping operation.

Programs like this are a collaborate effort, and we thank residents for their patience and support. Some parking restrictions are required to allow for a successful program. Motorists are asked to continue to adhere to alternate side parking requirements and any temporary No Parking signs that are installed ahead of street sweeping efforts.

Sweepers work hard to best accommodate the vehicle and pedestrian traffic patterns across the City. In areas with high daytime vehicle and pedestrian traffic, as well as alternate side parking requirements, sweeping is done overnight. Areas with less traffic are done during daytime hours. To ensure sidewalks are complete in a timely fashion and in advance of street sweepers, crews use a variety of equipment to clear the debris, including leaf blowers and trackless machines which will cause some noise disturbance.

The safety of our citizens and crews is a priority. As crews and large, slow moving pieces of equipment are out after dusk, we remind motorists to drive with caution and slow down around work zones.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience and we appreciate the support from our citizens as crews work hard to keep our City clean. If you have any questions about the City’s Sweeping Program, please contact Customer Service at 658-4455.

Giv'er Saint John