Applications Being Accepted for Council on Aging

seniorsThe provincial government is inviting those interested in serving on the Council on Aging to submit an application.

The mandate of the council will be to develop an Aging Strategy that creates a sustainable system based on the government’s vision for long-term care.

“We are looking for people who represent a broad range of perspectives and are committed to the kind of innovative thinking and transformational change that our long-term care system needs,” said Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers. “New Brunswick is facing challenges with its increasingly aged population; however, the new Aging Strategy has the potential to position the province as a leader in care for the aged.”

The government is looking for individuals who represent different perspectives on aging including: seniors, families, medical professionals, caregivers, academics and researchers, and representatives from non-profit and community organizations, businesses, municipalities, First Nations, the labour force, and those with intergenerational and dementia perspectives, as well as those living in rural areas.

The strategy will build on a variety of initiatives now underway such as the Home First Strategy, the Wellness Strategy and the Alternative Level of Care Action Plan that is being developed by the departments of health and social development.

“We want a responsive, integrated and sustainable system where seniors are active and engaged in their communities, and where the right care, support and services are available at the right time,” Rogers said. “The current approaches are fiscally unsustainable and do not meet the needs of seniors who want support and services to help remain in their homes and communities for as long as possible.”

Applications are available through the Agencies, Boards and Commissions website. The deadline to submit an application is Monday, December 14th.

Giv'er Saint John