Motor Vehicle Registration Improvements being Considered

vehicleregistrationImprovements to the motor vehicle registration process are being considered as part of the Strategic Program Review.

Under the review, the provincial government is working with New Brunswickers to identify $500 million to $600 million in savings and revenue in order to eliminate the deficit.

“No doubt we will be facing some tough choices as we move to finally eliminate the deficit,” said Health Minister Victor Boudreau, who is also the minister responsible for the Strategic Program Review. “But we have also identified areas where we could find savings and improve services. The proposed motor vehicle registration changes could provide a more efficient and convenient service to the public.”

One proposal is an option to allow motorists to opt-out of receiving vehicle registration mail reminders if they receive an email reminder.

Also being considered are changes to allow vehicle owners to renew their registration for two or potentially more years instead of the current annual registration.

“These small changes could save nearly $500,000 depending upon uptake,” said Boudreau. “The more who choose these options, the greater the savings.”

“The Strategic Program Review is not about across the board cuts, it is about changing the status quo, finding better ways of delivering services, and adapting programs and services to the needs of New Brunswickers,” he said.

An options report will be released in the near future which will reveal some of the initiatives which are being considered for implementation. Decisions will be made in time for implementation in the 2016-17 provincial budget.

The public is encouraged to find out more about the Strategic Program Review online.

Giv'er Saint John