New Educational Resources Mark Financial Literacy Month

fcnblogoTo celebrate Financial Literacy Month, the Financial and Consumer Services Commission is introducing two new resources, a budget workshop and an auto insurance infographic. These resources are to support New Brunswickers on their financial wellness journey.

Financial decision-making can be difficult. With the launch of these resources, the commission is working to make it easier for the public to get information to help them have more control over their finances.

“Promoting financial literacy is a key priority of the commission,” said Marissa Sollows, senior education co-ordinator. “Financial education plays an important role in helping people achieve economic independence. Improving financial literacy may allow individuals to manage their financial resources more effectively, which can improve family economic stability and quality of life.”

Understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to financial literacy, the commission has developed a free budget workshop to help New Brunswickers create an individual budget that fits their family’s needs. This workshop is a hands-on method of helping individuals gauge where their finances stand, and will help them understand how to meet their financial goals.

The auto insurance infographic is meant to help those individuals buying auto insurance for the first time. It illustrates, in an easy-to-follow road map, an overview of what insurance is, how it can protect you, and tips to consider when buying auto insurance.

“Some financial concepts are simple and some are more complicated, but all can be intimidating if you do not have support,” said Sollows. “By breaking down our resources into workshops and bite-size pieces such as the infographic, we believe that we can help people better understand the options available to take control of their financial situation. Financial literacy does not have to be overwhelming, provided individuals know where to turn to get information.”

The commission has free bilingual resources and tools available to help New Brunswickers improve their financial fitness with topics ranging from money and youth, household finances, being a smart spender, and planning for the unexpected. The commission also offers free presentations on a variety of topics around the province. More information on these resources and presentation options are available online or by calling 1-866-933-2222.

The Financial and Consumer Services Commission has the mandate to protect consumers and enhance public confidence in the financial and consumer marketplace through the provision of regulatory and educational services. It is responsible for the administration and enforcement of provincial legislation that regulates the following sectors: securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, caisses populaires, trust and loan companies, co-operatives, and a wide range of other consumer legislation. It is an independent Crown corporation funded by the regulatory fees and assessments paid by the regulated sectors.


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