Help NBCC Break Guinness World Record

kettlebellsCalling all Kettlebellers! NBCC will attempt to break the Guinness World Records Largest Kettlebell Fitness Class on Sunday October 4th at the Canada Games Stadium on the UNB Saint John campus at 100 Tucker Park Road beginning at 12 noon. They need to have the greatest number of people attending and participating in a kettlebell lesson at a single venue. Currently the world record is 924. Their goal is to register 1000 participants and raise $15,000 for local youth programs!

This event is just one component of a year-long “Allied Health Cares About Youth” fundraising initiative. All funds raised will be divided among three very deserving local organizations that are committed to helping youth in need.

Online Early Bird Registration is $20 to participate in the class. Click here to register. The fee will be $25 onsite on the day of the event. Participants must be 14 years of age or older. ​If you are participating, your child cannot be with you on the field. Young children should be supervised by non-participants. Only those registered can be on the field for the record. Every registered participant will receive and keep a 5 lb Kettlebell for the class. You may also choose to collect pledges. If you get a minimum of $20 in pledges, your registration fee is covered! The person who raises the most funds in pledges gets the coveted Golden Kettlebell to take home!

To be officially counted for the Guinness World Records, you must stay on the field and actively participate to the best of your ability for 35 minutes. They will warm up beforehand and show the crowd how to kettlebell. Those not fully participating and those leaving early will not be counted and will increase our risk of disqualification.

Doors will open at 12 noon with official registration for the class running until 2 pm. Arrive early to ensure you are registered. A “Healthy Start” Expo will take place from 12 noon to 4 pm. The Kettlebell fitness class with Lifestyles Fitness Studio will run from 3 pm to 3:40 pm, with the Closing Ceremonies scheduled for 3:45 pm until 4 pm.

Those who do not want to participate in the Kettlebell fitness class, but would like to witness this awesome event are invited to come and watch! Good-will cash or non-perishable food donations will be available at the entrance to the event. ​Please remember that only participants are allowed on the field. Come on out for some great fun for the whole family! Parking on campus is FREE!

They are also looking for volunteers to help support this record-breaking event. Click here to see how you can help Transform NB and raise money for youth in Saint John.

All funds raised will be divided amongst the following organizations:

Safe Harbour NB
Safe Harbour Transitional Youth Services (Safe Harbour) will provide emergency and transitional housing to homeless and at-risk youth. Safe Harbour is a direct response to the crisis in youth homelessness in southern New Brunswick. In 2012, 67 youth accessed an adult emergency shelter in Saint John; our community’s experts and key informants – youth workers and educators – estimate that more than 100 youth need transitional housing.

Safe Harbour will ensure that youths’ basic needs are met and will be an integral part of the youth housing continuum. It will also support youth in accessing the wide range of services available to them in our community.

Princess Elizabeth School
The staff of Princess Elizabeth School believe that the artistic, physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs of children must be met for effective learning to take place. We believe we are responsible to challenge each child to reach his/her potential as a life long learner. Our school strives to provide a safe, supportive environment that promotes responsibility, self-esteem and encourages each child to relate to other persons in a sensitive and respective manner.

Crescent Valley Resource Centre
Focusing on the residents of Crescent Valley, the Resource Centre offers educational, social, food security and recreational programming at no charge. Many programs and services are open to residents living outside Crescent Valley.

Some programs include: Free Lending Library, Walking Club, Free Clothing Room, Playgroup (for parents and caregivers with children 0 to 5 years), Storytent and Bookwagon, Food Purchasing Club; weekly Drop-in clinic with nurse practitioner, various wellness programs, and summer programs for children.

Giv'er Saint John